Dreams vs Goals

slice of motivation Jun 15, 2020

Is your dream to become a professional tennis player? That certainly was my dream as a kid and every night I'd go to bed and think about playing at the Australian Open, having the crowd cheering and chanting and supporting me. I dreamed of traveling the world and being a successful tennis player and making loads of money. That was my dream. But dreams are a fairy tale.

"What you need to have is some really solid goals, which need to be written down, need to be assessed constantly and need to be monitored."

You need to judge yourself on your goals and where you're at. You need to continually evolve and stay on track  with your goals. Think about a train on the rails. Your rails are your goals, and the train will stay on the rails if you have some really solid goals.

It doesn't matter who you are. If you're an athlete or if you're a tennis coach. If you want to improve yourself, set yourself some targets to achieve. Sometimes we think that we want something, but we don't commit to it. Writing it down or tells people your goals is a really important factor because then they hold you accountable, then you hold yourself accountable.

"Don't just say to yourself I want to be the best player in the world. Write it down."

Put a picture in your bedroom or in your office of what you want to achieve and draw your mind to it and do everything you can to get there. Write little goals to achieve your big goal. Your big picture is about having a number of stepping stones. It's a process. It's about a journey. Don't just dream goal, set them in stone. Hold yourself accountable and get somebody to hold you accountable to what you want.

This is your chance to become whatever you want to be, so set the goals today and have little steps to achieve your big picture, then go out and chase them.